Crafting an estate plan is an important part of everyone’s life regardless of wealth, age and medical condition. Your sudden incapacitation from an illness or injury or the untimely death of a loved one who did not have an...
Estate Planning Tools for Seniors
February 28, 2020
Far too many people have no estate plan in place at all, and many of those who have made plans for their future have made only a simple last will and testament and not gone any further in the estate planning process. While...
Why You Need to Have a Durable Power of Attorney
February 14, 2020
Consider this scenario: A woman takes over the lives of an older couple. The couple has never met this woman, but she assumed guardianship over the then 80-year-old couple. She took over their home, their finances, their...
New Law Makes Big Changes to Retirement Plans
December 20, 2019
Congress has passed a spending bill that contains major changes to retirement plans. The bipartisan legislation is designed to provide more incentives to save for retirement, but it may require workers to rethink some of...
An Irrevocable Trust Can Help Protect Your Assets
November 29, 2019
Let a Springfield Irrevocable Trust Attorney Help You Plan Your Estate Establishing a trust is one of the most common and effective ways of protecting assets. And when even higher levels of asset protection are necessary, an...
Are Americans Confused about Taxing the Rich?
August 23, 2016
A new poll reveals that the majority of Americans agree with eliminating the estate tax, which suggests that they want to lower taxes on the wealthy. The same poll also suggests, however, that the majority of Americans want...
Women Live Longer than Men but Not Healthier
August 19, 2016
A new study reveals that women can still expect to live longer than men on average; however, women suffer from more disabilities in those extra years. For some time, estate planning for older married couples has been based in...
Splitting a Farm to Keep It in the Family
August 17, 2016
Farmers who have more than one child have an estate planning dilemma. The most valuable property they have is almost always the land and the farm equipment. If all of the children are not interested in farming, it can be...
How to Apply for Social Security
August 15, 2016
When to apply for Social Security benefits is an important decision that requires careful consideration, but it is also important to know how to apply. It is very easy to find advice about when you should apply for Social...
The End for ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ in Schools?
August 11, 2016
A controversial decision by author Harper Lee’s estate has many people wondering if ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ will continue to be assigned reading in school. Reading Harper Lee’s anti-segregation novel...