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10 Key Legal Documents for Starting a Business

April 16, 2020
When starting a new business, it is critical to be proactive about protecting your personal assets and putting your company in a favorable position to achieve sustainable growth both now and in the future. This means giving...

Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

March 31, 2020
Times are changing. The world is changing. Given the current events and what may be considered our “new normal,” we understand that individuals and families may be re-evaluating everything from retirement plans to routine...

Estate Planning Tools for Seniors

February 28, 2020
Far too many people have no estate plan in place at all, and many of those who have made plans for their future have made only a simple last will and testament and not gone any further in the estate planning process. While...

New Law Makes Big Changes to Retirement Plans

December 20, 2019

Congress has passed a spending bill that contains major changes to retirement plans. The bipartisan legislation is designed to provide more incentives to save for retirement, but it may require workers to rethink some of...

Are Americans Confused about Taxing the Rich?

August 23, 2016
A new poll reveals that the majority of Americans agree with eliminating the estate tax, which suggests that they want to lower taxes on the wealthy. The same poll also suggests, however, that the majority of Americans want...

Women Live Longer than Men but Not Healthier

August 19, 2016
A new study reveals that women can still expect to live longer than men on average; however, women suffer from more disabilities in those extra years. For some time, estate planning for older married couples has been based in...